

  • Competences Model with associated Areas and Gradings
  • Skills Assessment
  • Academy
  • Training
  • Coaching
  • Mentoring
  • Certification Scheme
  • Career Path

Background Experience available at Novo Artifact Consulting:

  • Responsible for the creation and implementation of different corporate Competence Development Academies based on ‘Blended Learning’ principles (3x Project Management Academy, 1x Lean Academy), inc the generation of classroom, webinar and e-learning training material as well as the organization, management and follow-up of training courses   [16] [17] [19] [21]
  • Responsible for the creation and implementation of an experience-based corporate Certification Scheme for Project and Program Managers and their teams, working in support of Product development (taking PMI, IPMA, ICCPM and PRINCE aspects into account), covering leadership, soft skills and methods and processes aspects   [17] [19] [21]
  • Responsible for the creation and implementation of a corporate Career Path for Project Managers   [17]
  • Responsible for continuous improvement of execution capabilities of Program Managers and other members of Development Teams in charge of ca. 500 Programs, demonstrated via periodic measurement of globally accepted KPIs   [19]
  • Responsible for the implementation – or enhancement – of a PM/PDP culture at large corporations, covering leadership, soft skills and methods and processes aspects  [14] [17] [19] [21]
  • Working for highly international organizations, with international workforce, suppliers, customers and other stakeholders, leading to significant experience in multi-cultural management   [05] [07] [09] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [21] 
  • Lecturing in many European cities, but also in China (Beijing, Shanghai), Russia (Moscow, Sochi), UAE (Dubai), USA (New York, Jacksonville) on aspects related to the Management of Complex Engineering Programs 

                 PDP: Product Development Process;  PM: Project Management;  UAE: United Arab Emirates;  USA: United States of America

                 The numbers in brackets refer to positions as stated in the CV of Hans-H. Altfeld; it can be downloaded from this site under 'About me'

Typical PDCA Content:

C: Coaching;  Cert: Certification;  CP: Career Path;  E-Learning: Learning while using electronic media;  M: Mentoring;  PDCA: Plan – Do – Check – Act;  T: Training

  • Establishment of Competence Model (Competence Areas, Job Families with associated Skill, Knowledge and Experience Requirements), covering leadership, soft skills, methods and processes topics
  • Agreement on Competence Development Means (T, C, M, Cert, CP)
  • Setup of Academy with Training Curriculum (covering leadership, soft skills, methods and processes topics)
  • Develop Classroom and E-Learning Training Courses
  • Development of Cert and CP
  • Identification of Strategic Talent
  • Decision on Make versus Buy for all of the above
  • Analysis of Competence Gaps based on Skill, Knowledge and Experience Assessment
  • Identification of Competence Gap Closing Measures
  • Run Training Courses
  • Implementation of C / M / Cert / CP
  • Measurement of Effectiveness of Gap Closing

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