Project Control


  • Scheduling
  • Scope Management
  • Workload Planning
  • Workforce Planning
  • Cost Estimation
  • Cost Control
  • Earned Value Management

Background Experience available at Novo Artifact Consulting:

  • Leader of the Project Control Office of a €20bn Program  [21]
  • Founder and Leader of a Project Management Office (PMO) for a large Project  [14]
  • Responsible for the setup, implementation and leadership of an entirely new department to enhance the company’s Project and Program Management capabilities  [17]
  • Leading strategic capital investment Projects for plant efficiency improvements in support of Programs  [16] [15]
  • Manager of various space Projects   [09]
  • Responsible for the management of many business transformation Projects leading to new ways-of working with the aim to improve a Portfolio’s or Program’s bottom line results inc the improvement of the engagement and enablement of the workforce  [10] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [21]
  • Responsible for, or at least contributed to the setup and maintenance of Program structures like PBS, WBS, OBS, CBS, SBS, DBS  [09] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [21]
  • Responsible for cost estimation (AACE standard) and target costing   [21]
  • Responsible for, or at least contributed to, the establishment of a Basis of Estimate (BoE), inc scope descriptions, inputs and outputs, assumptions, risks  [13] [19] [21]
  • Responsible for a Program’s Cost Control  [19] [21]
  • Responsible for Earned Value Management on some mega-Programs (A350, A400M, ITER – here: ANSI standard)  [17] [21]
  • Responsible for the setup and maintenance of KPI-based Program status reporting as well as for processing of recovery measures  [08] [09] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [19] [21]
  • Responsible for Project Procurement Management   [15] [16]
  • Responsible for Procurement Project Control  [21]
  • Responsible for Change Control within the Project Control framework   [21]

                 AC: AACE: Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering; ANSI: American National Standards Institute:  BoE: Body of Estimate;  CBS: Cost Breakdown Structure;  DBS:                              Document Breakdown Structure;  ITER: International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor;  OBS: Organization Breakdown Structure;  PBS: Product/Plant Breakdown Structure;                     PMO: Project Management Office;  SBS: System Breakdown Structure;  WBS: Work Breakdown Structure

                 The numbers in brackets refer to positions as stated in the CV of Hans-H. Altfeld; it can be downloaded from this site under 'About me'

Typical PDCA Content:

AC: Actual Cost;  BAC: Budget at Completion;  EV: Earned Value;  EVM: Earned Value Management;  PDCA: Plan – Do – Check – Act;  PV: Planned Value

  • Basis of Estimate
  • Workload Planning
  • Workforce Planning
  • Cost Estimation
  • EVM: Evaluation of BAC, PV
  • Processing of Project Tasks
  • EVM: Recording of Work Progress, AC (inc Accruals)
  • Assessment of Deviations of Scope, Schedule, Workforce, Cost
  • EVM: EV
  • Actions Management (Recovery)
  • Implementation of Cost Cutting Measures
  • Management of Cost Contingencies
  • Execution of Performance Change Control (Scope, Schedule, Workforce, Cost)

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